Selling your home is certainly a personal decision. Here are five points to consider:
You want to take advantage of the current real estate market. Housing prices are just beginning to level off in many areas, but it’s primarily still a seller’s market.
Your financial situation has changed and you want to lower your mortgage payments. A job change, divorce, serious illness, or death may call for a new living arrangement.
Your family has outgrown your starter home. What was once a cozy little home for two may not be the ideal situation for a family of five.
You’re tired of paying for maintenance and repair bills on an older property. When the most frequent visitors to your home are the plumber, electrician and appliance repair technician, then it may be time for a newer house.
You’ve spent at least five years in your current home and you’re ready to move on. If you have positive equity in your home, then you may be ready to sell.
For more information on getting ready to sell, steps to selling, costs, time it takes and how to move simultaneously from your old home to your new please call, email, or text me.
Five Star award Winner 2011- 2019 honoring the top 7% of real estate professionals in Oregon.
Rachel Sheller, Principal Broker, Realtor, CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES, Diversity Specialist-HOWNW, Earth Advantage Broker, MASTERS CIRCLE, CSA-Certified Staging Agent, Oregon First, Washington First
Direct 503.380.9634, Email- rachel@rachelsheller.com
View an accurate list of ALL available Houses on the market on my website.
Licensed in the State of Oregon and Washington
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